Term Rewriting

Rule-based rewriting

Rewrite rules match and transform an expression. A rule is written using either the @rule macro or the @acrule macro. It creates a callable Rule object.

Basics of rule-based term rewriting in SymbolicUtils

Here is a simple rewrite rule, that uses formula for the double angle of the sine function:

using SymbolicUtils

@syms w z α::Real β::Real

(w, z, α, β) # hide

r1 = @rule sin(2(~x)) => 2sin(~x)*cos(~x)


The @rule macro takes a pair of patterns – the matcher and the consequent (@rule matcher => consequent). If an expression matches the matcher pattern, it is rewritten to the consequent pattern. @rule returns a callable object that applies the rule to an expression.

~x in the example is what is a slot variable named x. In a matcher pattern, slot variables are placeholders that match exactly one expression. When used on the consequent side, they stand in for the matched expression. If a slot variable appears twice in a matcher pattern, all corresponding matches must be equal (as tested by Base.isequal function). Hence this rule says: if you see something added to itself, make it twice of that thing, and works as such.

If you try to apply this rule to an expression with triple angle, it will return nothing – this is the way a rule signifies failure to match.

r1(sin(3z)) === nothing

Slot variable (matcher) is not necessary a single variable


but it must be a single expression

r1(sin(2*(w+z)*(α+β))) === nothing

Rules are of course not limited to single slot variable

r2 = @rule sin(~x + ~y) => sin(~x)*cos(~y) + cos(~x)*sin(~y);


If you want to match a variable number of subexpressions at once, you will need a segment variable. ~~xs in the following example is a segment variable:

@syms x y z
@rule(+(~~xs) => ~~xs)(x + y + z)

~~xs is a vector of subexpressions matched. You can use it to construct something more useful:

r3 = @rule ~x * +(~~ys) => sum(map(y-> ~x * y, ~~ys));

r3(2 * (w+w+α+β))

Notice that the expression was autosimplified before application of the rule.

2 * (w+w+α+β)

Predicates for matching

Matcher pattern may contain slot variables with attached predicates, written as ~x::f where f is a function that takes a matched expression and returns a boolean value. Such a slot will be considered a match only if f returns true.

Similarly ~~x::g is a way of attaching a predicate g to a segment variable. In the case of segment variables g gets a vector of 0 or more expressions and must return a boolean value. If the same slot or segment variable appears twice in the matcher pattern, then at most one of the occurrence should have a predicate.

For example,

@syms a b c d

r = @rule ~x + ~~y::(ys->iseven(length(ys))) => "odd terms";

@show r(a + b + c + d)
@show r(b + c + d)
@show r(b + c + b)
@show r(a + b)

Associative-Commutative Rules

Given an expression f(x, f(y, z, u), v, w), a f is said to be associative if the expression is equivalent to f(x, y, z, u, v, w) and commutative if the order of arguments does not matter. SymbolicUtils has a special @acrule macro meant for rules on functions which are associate and commutative such as addition and multiplication of real and complex numbers.

@syms x y z

acr = @acrule((~a)^(~x) * (~a)^(~y) => (~a)^(~x + ~y))

acr(x^y * x^z)

although in case of Number it also works the same way with regular @rule since autosimplification orders and applies associativity and commutativity to the expression.

Example of applying the rules to simplify expression

Consider expression (cos(x) + sin(x))^2 that we would like simplify by applying some trigonometric rules. First, we need rule to expand square of cos(x) + sin(x). First we try the simplest rule to expand square of the sum and try it on simple expression

using SymbolicUtils

@syms x::Real y::Real

sqexpand = @rule (~x + ~y)^2 => (~x)^2 + (~y)^2 + 2 * ~x * ~y

sqexpand((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)

It works. This can be further simplified using Pythagorean identity and check it

pyid = @rule sin(~x)^2 + cos(~x)^2 => 1

pyid(cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2) === nothing

Why does it return nothing? If we look at the rule, we see that the order of sin(x) and cos(x) is different. Therefore, in order to work, the rule needs to be associative-commutative.

acpyid = @acrule sin(~x)^2 + cos(~x)^2 => 1

acpyid(cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2 + 2cos(x)*sin(x))

It has been some work. Fortunately rules may be chained together into more sophisticated rewriters to avoid manual application of the rules.

Composing rewriters

A rewriter is any callable object which takes an expression and returns an expression or nothing. If nothing is returned that means there was no changes applicable to the input expression. The Rules we created above are rewriters.

The SymbolicUtils.Rewriters module contains some types which create and transform rewriters.

  • Empty() is a rewriter which always returns nothing
  • Chain(itr) chain an iterator of rewriters into a single rewriter which applies each chained rewriter in the given order. If a rewriter returns nothing this is treated as a no-change.
  • RestartedChain(itr) like Chain(itr) but restarts from the first rewriter once on the first successful application of one of the chained rewriters.
  • IfElse(cond, rw1, rw2) runs the cond function on the input, applies rw1 if cond returns true, rw2 if it returns false
  • If(cond, rw) is the same as IfElse(cond, rw, Empty())
  • Prewalk(rw; threaded=false, thread_cutoff=100) returns a rewriter which does a pre-order (from top to bottom and from left to right) traversal of a given expression and applies the rewriter rw. threaded=true will use multi threading for traversal. Note that if rw returns nothing when a match is not found, then Prewalk(rw) will also return nothing unless a match is found at every level of the walk. If you are applying multiple rules, then Chain already has the appropriate passthrough behavior. If you only want to apply one rule, then consider using PassThrough. thread_cutoff is the minimum number of nodes in a subtree which should be walked in a threaded spawn.
  • Postwalk(rw; threaded=false, thread_cutoff=100) similarly does post-order (from left to right and from bottom to top) traversal.
  • Fixpoint(rw) returns a rewriter which applies rw repeatedly until there are no changes to be made.
  • PassThrough(rw) returns a rewriter which if rw(x) returns nothing will instead return x otherwise will return rw(x).

Chaining rewriters

Several rules may be chained to give chain of rules. Chain is an array of rules which are subsequently applied to the expression.

To check that, we will combine rules from previous example into a chain

using SymbolicUtils
using SymbolicUtils.Rewriters

sqexpand = @rule (~x + ~y)^2 => (~x)^2 + (~y)^2 + 2 * ~x * ~y
acpyid = @acrule sin(~x)^2 + cos(~x)^2 => 1

csa = Chain([sqexpand, acpyid])

csa((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)

Important feature of Chain is that it returns the expression instead of nothing if it doesn't change the expression

Chain([@acrule sin(~x)^2 + cos(~x)^2 => 1])((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)

it's important to notice, that chain is ordered, so if rules are in different order it wouldn't work the same as in earlier example

cas = Chain([acpyid, sqexpand])

cas((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)

since Pythagorean identity is applied before square expansion, so it is unable to match squares of sine and cosine.

One way to circumvent the problem of order of applying rules in chain is to use RestartedChain

using SymbolicUtils.Rewriters: RestartedChain

rcas = RestartedChain([acpyid, sqexpand])

rcas((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)

It restarts the chain after each successful application of a rule, so after sqexpand is hit it (re)starts again and successfully applies acpyid to resulting expression.

You can also use Fixpoint to apply the rules until there are no changes.

Fixpoint(cas)((cos(x) + sin(x))^2)